Stock Growers

money growing stacked coins with green plants

Welcome to Stock Growers Bank!


Your Dreams, Your Loan

Looking to expand your herd?  We offer affordable, flexible, and accessible loans for all your farming and ranching needs.  

laptop computer and a cup of coffee

Banking at Your Fingertips, Anytime & Anywhere

Welcome To Our New site!

Stock Growers Bank is celebrating 125 years of banking

Stock Growers Bank is celebrating 125 years of banking and is pleased to offer products and services to meet your needs. We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing our relationship with you. Our main goal is to provide top quality service to our customers.
Man and grandchild playing in living room
Who we are

Stock Growers has been your trusted financial partner for over 100 years. Choose us for security and success.

From personal checking accounts to specialized agricultural loans, we offer a wide range of financial products to meet your needs.

Woman putting coins into jar

Maximize Your Savings

With Money Markets, you can earn competitive interest rates while maintaining easy access to your funds. Start growing your money today!

Close up of key to new house


Mortgage Loans

Find the perfect loan for your dream home. Start building your future today.

Farmer handling grain in field

Agriculture Loans

Fuel Your Farm's Success with Agriculture Loans! Grow your operation with tailored financing solutions.

Stock growers bank

We appreciate your business!

We believe that as our customer, you deserve prompt and courteous assistance in fulfilling your requests. Please contact us so that we may demonstrate our commitment to you.

Heritage Insurance Services is a family-owned and operated company that is dedicated to our goal of serving our customers with all their insurance needs.

Heritage Insurance Services

Stock Growers Bank customers may order checks through the Main Street Checks website(Opens in a new Window)

Our community involvement is just one way we can support improvements to benefit not only the present populace but future generations as well.