a couple viewing information on a tablet

Certificates of Deposit

We'll make sure your money makes good use of its time

The simple CD is making a big comeback as savers lock into attractive rates. Earn extra money for next semester's tuition, next year's home renovations or that camper you plan to buy sometime down the line. With a choice of savings periods and a minimum opening deposit of just $500, Certificates of Deposit make sense for almost anyone with a financial goal and just a little patience.

  • Choose CDs ranging from 3 months to 5 years
  • CDs earn higher rates than most standard savings accounts
  • In general, longer-term CDs have the highest earning rates
  • Interest compounded annually or at maturity depending on CD term
  • Interest earnings can be added to the CD, paid by check or deposited in a Stock Growers Bank checking or savings account
  • Early withdrawal may result in penalties

Close up of person using a phone
Mobile Banking

Online & Mobile Banking

Our convenient Online Banking platform allows you to manage your finances from your computer on your own time.